Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Other side of the country... oh and did I mention we have another kid?

I am an infrequent blogger. I like to think that it is because I am too busy doing things to find time to record about them. This may or may not be true. I'll take it. It's been a very crazy time in the Moerlins family. When I last left you we were a family of three living in Atlanta, GA. Now we're a family of 4 living in Portland, OR. Life could hardly be more different. Mike had a seriously awesome job offer here in Portland and Atlanta was feeling a little tired and dead-end like for us so we took a huge leap of faith and shazam... here we are. We're renting out our house in Atlanta while renting an apartment out here. I am on the search for a job, having left mine after baby Jack was born in January. Yep, little man Moerlins was born in the midst of a crazy family upheval. Mike went ahead to Portland last September while Pregnant me, Lulu and the pets stayed behind in Atlanta. Once Jack arrived we vacated the house for tennants, I spent some awesome time with my sister and dad and then finally we all reunited in Late March.

This has been the most insane experience of my life thus far. Everything I thought I knew about myself had to go back for a rewrite. Searching for a job is extremely humbling, and staying home with two small children is challenging. In spite of all the upheval and general insanity a cross country move, babies and all that jazz I am very happy to be together as a family again, and I think this move was for the best. Portland is progressive and full of positivity. I'm lucky to be spending most of my time here during some amazing weather, and have been trying to focus on having the best summer break with my kids possible, while applying for jobs during nap time and fitting in some volunteer gigs in the evenings when Mike is home.

We're having grand adventures. Check out a few here.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The summer looms ever closer, and with it comes the busiest season at work. Honestly, the busiest season is already underway but I always deny it until June 3rd.  I have been blessed/cursed with the ability to make successful summer programs for kids. Camp is upon us, and by some mysterious atmospheric shift, I am over two now rather than one, among other things. I do recall this time last year vowing it would be my last camp ever; apparently I didn’t put my foot down. I like being gainfully employed in my field of work.  

To prepare for the annual insanity I’m packing in as much family and friend time as possible, and crafting strategies to make sure that I don’t shortchange the most important folks in my life when I am extra pressed for time. Mike has been pretty darn sweet per usual. These last two working weekends he and Lu have come to the park with me and helped. I can’t imagine I’d be of much use in his workplace J. We’ve had an extremely eventful 2012 so far. From 1st birthday to Aunt B’s wedding and parties and festivals in between this has been a year full of action. Mother’s day weekend is the most relaxed weekend of the year so far. Thanks universe and magical spouse. Plus Lu is napping on my arm right now. Feeling full of gratitude.  Here are some shots of the year so far (not exactly in order).

Happy New Years 2012
Marathon fun at Disney
Good Morning!
life is best in baskets

Happy Mardi Gras!!!

Fun times at the Drive In

Bowling with the big girls
Mother's Day 2012- Air Guitar

Aunt Becca's Wedding

Cool kids wear shades.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

the holiday season

Holiday parties have been happening left and right. In the tinsel frenzy Lucy has been a champ. She had her first ear infection and first fever this month. Definitely not my favorite firsts,but we knew it was gonna happen. We're all looking forward to a little vacation and some time with Buzz and Nana

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

dots, hives and rashes: My polka dotted baby girl

Today we met Erythema multiforme minor. Blech. Poor little Lu had some little dots yesterday evening that began to look a lot more like hives by 3 am and had pretty much taken over her trunk with hot red welt-y things by 6am. The photos REALLY don't do it justice. Color me crazy terrified. Thank goodness for Nana on speed dial and the notoriously calm Mike.

As it turns out this malady looks a lot worse than it actually is. We got in to the Pediatrician and discovered that rather than a food allergy, as I had suspected with the hives, she has an odd infection. No fever so it's not contagious, just scary huge welts. She's happy and seems to not eve be itchy. I itch just looking at the welts. She such a cutie patootie, and a touch little one. These can last up to 2 weeks. I'm hoping we clear it up sooner. Adventures in parenting for sure!

Monday, November 28, 2011

And We're off.... It's the Holiday Season

Yay. It's the holiday season! So far Lucy is awash in 1sts. She rode the carousel at Piedmont Park on the opening day of Season of Magic. Aunt Audrey was the operator, so it was a fun family affair and she got the whole carousel to herself thanks to awesome timing. She also got to take her 1st horse drawn carriage ride through the Park. She slept through the whole thing, but who can blame her, she was pretty exhausted after all the excitement.

Then... We went to Alabama for Thanksgiving! You guessed it, Lucy's 1st. We celebrated cousin Molly's 2nd birthday, chilled with cousin Charlotte, and generally had a nice relaxing time with all the relatives. Lulu even rode along for this year's morning 5k.
Next on the list: Decorating the house for Christmas in a baby friendly way.

Exciting Stuff

love and happy holidays to all

Friday, November 18, 2011

Things we've been up to the last few months

Picture Time:

@ Cathy & Leeland's AWESOME beach house.

Mountain Baby in her sweet shades from GrandmaFamily Picture time in Edwards CO

Ruth & Luke's Rehersal Dinner
Pool time @ CO wedding. - We had so much fun. Grandma M. was a super star and
Ruth & Luke = Happily Ever After
Lucy having fun with Eli, Liza and a rouge snack
Competing in races. She totally ran my leg of the marathon :)

Lucy's 1'st Halloween. She was a treasure troll- hence the fluffy hair and gem on belly. 100% hand crafted!! We gave out candy to people who didn't understand what she was, but she had a great time at the Halloween Party. There she was pretty famous.
Showing off the pumpkin that she helped carve and even took a bite out of. That's my girl. Notice that the eyes are her hands.
Watching Daddy Play Music at the park.
With Auntie Ruth at 'Uncle' Shaan's Defense- Dr. Uncle Shaan that is :)

How do habitual bloggers keep up? Life is happening so fast the opportunity to slow down and write about it seems not to exist. Fall has happened. It's practically winter. Waking up to freezing temperatures this morning brought that into focus. So, I'm behind schedule. I intend to keep this updated. Yes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Lucy will get to piece together her first year with my ramshackle blog posts and annotated bits of notes on nursery school reports and other assortments of paper. That girl requires 110% of my attention. I have to be on alert and ready for her to throw me a curve ball. She's still breastfeeding- but now she seems to want to work out while eating. She pumps her legs and arms a la Jane Fonda. What can I say? The girl is into fitness. She comes by it honestly. Maybe she'll run like Mama some day. Hopefully she waits a little longer before she starts.

The pictures span the months. Lots of exciting stuff.